What can we learn from Israel’s exceptional fertility?

With birthrates continuing to fall around the world, this vitality only stands out more and more. Faced with unprecedented population declines, rapidly aging societies, and looming public pension crises, panicked policymakers are increasingly looking to Israel for solutions. “What,” they wonder, “makes Israel different?”

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Do Boundaries Help or Hinder Relationships?

“Agreements” are negotiated solutions which treat the two people involved as equals. The negotiation is not just an exercise in trading and compromise (though sometimes that may be involved); but a brainstorming session where the two people are seeking to understand each other at a deep level and come up with a guiding principle they can both sign on to, and a concrete rule they agree to comply with. The underlying motto for this process is, “I am not willing to win at your expense.” Good negotiation is solution focused rather than looking backward and blaming each other. If you are capable of negotiating as equals, there is no need to unilaterally impose boundaries.

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When Your School Puts God in a Closet and Shuts the Door

I don’t need school to be just like Sunday school, but I need my son to spend his days in a place that builds faith while teaching him to build things. I need him to stand in awe alongside awestruck teachers who acknowledge the grandeur of God in everything — the symmetry of flowers, the masterful design of the human body, the curling of the planets through space.

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Everything You Need to Know About Fight the New Drug’s “Consider Before Consuming” Podcast

Think about everything you consider daily to help keep yourself, your loved ones, and your community happy, healthy, and hopeful. Now consider this: There is an ever-growing body of research demonstrating significant negative impacts on yourself and the ones you love in the consumption of pornography. It can change the way you think, harm your ability to connect with others, and negatively affect the world.

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Trial begins for father facing charges over silent prayer near abortion clinic buffer zone

A father and army veteran is lamenting the state of free speech in the United Kingdom as he faces a trial for silently praying outside an abortion clinic. The trial of Adam Smith-Connor, a pro-life activist charged with violating a Public Space Protection Order by silently praying in front of an abortion clinic in Bournemouth, England, is taking place this week. The trial began Tuesday and is expected to continue through Thursday.

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About United Families International

Founded in 1978, United Families International is a non-governmental organization with United Nations Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). As such, UFI is an active and effective voice for the family on the international level. UFI’s mission is to strengthen and defend: marriage, the family as the foundational unit of society, the rights of parents, the sanctity of life, and religious liberty. We are all volunteers – ordinary citizens who believe that strong families make strong societies. Learn more at www.unitedfamilies.org.

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